Starting your job search

It can be overwhelming when it comes to searching for a new job – where do you start? How do you know who’s hiring? What projects are on? Job platforms like Seek, Indeed and Jora are great platforms to use when it comes for job hunting but you then face the challenge of making your application stand out amongst hundreds of others… sometimes more!

That’s where we come in! By contacting one of our specialist consultants, you will have access to a wealth of knowledge on the industry, projects, hiring companies and most importantly, genuine long-lasting relationships with the hiring managers and your potential future boss.

At the end of the day, there is no doubt that your personality and skills are what’s going to get you the job but it’s important to remember that the CV is what gets you the interview. Here are a few tips on how to format your CV and what to include:

  • Start of with your personal details (ie. Name, contact information, address) followed by a short overview of your experience.
  • List all relevant qualifications, tickets or other forms of education. By putting this at the top, it quickly outlines what skills you have and shows whether you are qualified for the job or not.
  • It is always good to include a specific skills section – for example if you work in a technical profession and use specific software and equipment, bullet point them.
  • Include each position, dates of employment, company, and some key duties – listing them from most recent to oldest. This will be the biggest part of the CV, try to make it detailed but concise.
  • Last but not least, include some references. This will help speed up the process as you have clearly already gotten permission from atleast two contacts to vouch for you and the company you have applied to can contact them asap.
  • Ensure that the format is consistent and easy to read. Choose a font that is simple, make sure the font size is consistent for titles and paragraphs, as well as underlining or bolding headings to break up each section.

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